Application requirements

Successful candidates are required to demonstrate the following abilities through their application documents for Kairos University and IBR. Additionally, IBR requires all candidates to complete a mandatory interview with a research professor. This interview is designed to assess the applicant's intellectual capacity, personal skills, language proficiency, and professional experience.

Intellectual Capacity

To participate in and appreciate IBRs learning experiences and projects, IBR requires a completed first degree or academic equivalent to a first degree with a minimum of 180 ECTS credits (in the US: typically, 120 – 128 semester credit hours from a recognised accredited college or university).

Furthermore, IBR also requires a successfully completed Master programme with thesis (total ≥300 ECTS credits for undergraduate and graduate coursework; in the US: typically, total ≥ 165 semester credit hours for undergraduate and graduate coursework from a recognised accredited college or university)

Personal Abilities

For IBRs immersion experiences and projects you are required to show the ability to conduct an original investigation, to test ideas (whether your own or those of others) and to demonstrate a broad knowledge understanding of your discipline and of appropriate cognate subjects. You should also demonstrate knowledge of the research techniques appropriate to your discipline and show that it has been successfully applied. Your thesis should make a distinct contribution to knowledge and provide evidence of originality by the discovery of new facts or the exercise of critical power.

Against this background, IBR provides various learning experiences for you to focus on the doctoral thesis, which is centred on ‘original applied research’ undertaken in the ‘creation of new learning’ adding to the ‘existing body of knowledge’.

Language Ability

IBR’s learning experiences are presented in English or German. Should English or German not be your native language, IBR will need to be satisfied that you possess an acceptable level of English or German language acumen (written and verbal). Please contact your local IBR office for further information. It is of importance to note that the latter requirement is not compulsory for applicants who have lived in an English or German speaking country for over 2 years, or who have been educated in English or German.

Professional experience

To participate in IBRs doctoral research related learning experiences, typically, you have had at least 3 years of working experience after having received the master’s degree. Exceptions may occasionally be made based on extensive related experience prior to receiving the master’s degree. Such exceptions are normally considered because of three years full-time experience prior to the master’s degree as equivalent to one year of post master’s full-time experience.